SRC "IKAR" - 34 years with you

"IIS-RT"-2008. Collection № 43-3.

CANCER and "The Khachatrian Effect"

(The Treating of Patients in U.S.A. using Anolyte,
Catholyte... and Non-Contact Activated Liquid - NAL)

We describe here the experience on the use of contact activated liquids (CAL) and non-contact activated liquid (NAL), received on device "Emerald-SI" (mod..04c) in medicine. The research was carried out by American doctors under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ashot Khachatryan Papikovich, who visited USA from 17th March to 16th June 2008, at the invitation of Dr. Alena Schwartz, Director of "Holistic Medical Centre" in Los Angeles, California. Under a special regime, treatment was carried out within 24 days from the application of CAL and NAL, some salt composition, with a known pH and ORP. The following treatment were carried out: consumption of anolyte and catholyte; intestinal irrigation with anolyte and catholyte; inhalation with anolyte and catholyte; outdoor treatment with anolyte and catholyte; infusion therapy with non-contact activated solution of salt; omniflora implantation in the colon; oxygen cocktail mixed with catholyte; baths with anolyte and catholyte; wraps with anolyte and catholyte.

Who is Professor Ashot Khachatrian?

Prof. Ashot Khachatryan Papikovich
President of the International Academy,
Honored Inventor of Russia, winner of the Goskomizobreteny Prize - USSR,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences,
Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences,
Academician of the New York Academy of Sciences,
Member of the Journalists Union of Russia.,

Professor Khachatrian is an internationally renowned scientist and medical doctor, member of the Russian Academy of Medical & Engineering Sciences, European Academy of Natural Sciences and the New York Academy of Sciences, who conducted many years of medical research in various countries around the world including France, Russia, Holland, Bulgaria, Monte Carlo and the United States. He successfully shared the benefits of his discoveries with over 14,000 patients around the world, ranging from terminally ill cancer patients to the top of the international business elite and European royalty.

Professor Ashot Khachatrian has the unique distinction of being the only medical doctor in the history of Russia, who was bestowed the title of the "Merited Inventor". He has earned this title by receiving a remarkable number of some 60 patented inventions and innovation granted to him by the Patent Office. Over 50 of those innovations were approved and, moreover, recommended for use by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Professor Khachatrian was also granted 5 patents in the United States.

The importance of his contribution to medical science can be judged the recognition he received on the part of the world scientific community that awarded Professor Khachatrian with a number of prestigious awards and gold medals. He has recently been invited to speak in Korea and the United Kingdom, and he received a standing ovation from his peers after his presentation at an Oncology Convention in Novosibirsk.

He is also an author of six published books and numerous articles.
During many years of his scientific research, working with such renowned institutions as the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Institute of Antioxidants Chemistry, Scientific Research Center "IKAR", All-Russian Oncological Center, Institute for Medico-Biological Research in Space Medicine at the Russian Space Agency and the famed Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Medicine, Professor Khachatrian came to realization that since cancer is a very complex disease due to its varieties and mechanism, and no simple, "cure-all" solution would work.

The "Khachatrian Effect"

He then explored and tested a variety of health-promoting methods until he came up with a protocol that satisfied his scientific team and his professional criteria. His unique approach involves conducting streams of electrons into a proprietary nutritional solution. This approach also involves the intensive application of select strains of probiotics (beneficial microorganisms), enzymes and supplements specially selected for their synergistic qualities. The result is a rather rapid improvement that strengthens the immunity, neutralizes free radicals, enhances cellular health and vitality, and thereby effectively addresses key causes of illness. Moreover, the unexpected beneficial "side-effect" of the application of this procedure has, in many cases, successfully reversed such diverse health conditions as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, allergies, bronchial asthma, Candidiasis and intestinal diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis.

This dramatic improvement in health were noted by the vast majority of those patients who have experienced the Khachatrian protocol known as the "The Khachatrian Effect" or, simply, as the "K-Effect"."


Cancer has become a dominant health problem all over the world and is a major cause of death. For decades thousands of research institutes and hundreds of thousands of scientists all over the world have been trying to solve this conundrum, but until now it was not possible to achieve any appreciable positive results in this direction. The true causes of this illness are currently being researched, and many theories have been proposed. The methods of its treatment come to nothing more than the surgical removal of tumors and the suppression of the growth of cancer cells by means of chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which often cause dangerous and debilitating side effects like fatigue, anemia, suppression of bone marrow, hair loss, neuropathy and organ damage. These methods are most effective only in the early stages of the disease when the cancer is very difficult to diagnose. The illness is very cunning and often creeps on unnoticed. The existing methods of treatment are often ineffective, and in some cases they only "buy some time" at the expense of one's well being.
Prof. Khachatrian managed to look at this problem in a new way and, in order to find a new solution and the right therapy, he boldly explored the road "least traveled".


Water: more effective than most scientists suspected

It is known that human tissues are mostly (60-80%) water. Our cells float in water, like fish in an aquarium. Water, both inside and outside a cell, has a number of peculiar traits:
1. Water molecules cluster in an often-structured manner.
2. Water is charged, as are the cell membranes of all the cells in the body. The oxidation and reduction potential (redox potential) of the water (ОRP), which is necessary for life and the normal functioning of cells, is always lower than zero and varies from -30 mV up to -70 mV.
3. рН - This term represents the concentration of ions of hydrogen (also known as protons). The more protons that are present, the more acidic the solution will be. A pH of 7 is neutral, and numbers below 7 are acidic, and above 7 are alkaline or basic. The human body maintains a pH slightly in the alkaline range (pH 7.4). The body's functions are optimized at this pH. The environment around cancer cells, however, is generally quite acidic and low in oxygen.

In an alkaline environment there is an increase in the level of oxygen, which is pernicious not only for tumor cells, but also for viruses and disease-producing bacteria. Low levels of oxygen have been shown (by Otto Warburg and others) to promote the development of cancerous tumors. Free radical damage to the genetic material inside of cells is also thought to contribute to the development of cancers. Infections with viruses and other organisms and genetic susceptibilities are thought to be less common causes for cancer promotion.

The optimal water environment of the organism is alkaline and negatively charged, because these features protect us from invading organisms, cancers and free radicals. Small water clusters are also beneficial in aiding water to more readily penetrate cell walls.

Free radicals damage cells promote tumors

When healthy cells divide, they sometimes yield a small number of abnormal cells that carry a sub-optimal electrical charge. In a healthy organism (person), these abnormal cells are quickly identified by the immune system and destroyed. This is accomplished via several mechanisms, including the transfer of electrons from healthy cells. As organisms age they accumulate toxins and sustain damage from free radicals, which steal electrons. This results in a reduction in the negative voltage potential across the cell membrane and makes the cell weaker and more susceptible to cancer and other diseases. Those tissues which have sustained the greatest toxic/free-radical attack tend to harbor the greatest number of abnormal cells. The normal surrounding cells are often too weak to pass sufficient electrons to neutralize the abnormal cells. The pH in these localized areas tends to drop (to become more acidic). This in turn reduces the oxygen content of the tissues. These are optimal conditions for the formation of malignant (cancerous) cells to form, as has been proven by the two-time Nobel prize-winning German scientist, Otto Warburg.

The Warburg Hypothesis and the "K-Effect"

Two-time Nobel Prize winning scientist, Professor Otto Heinrich Warburg, discovered through a series of meticulous experiments that normal cells always became cancerous if they were exposed to a low oxygen environment. He hypothesized that there was an irreversible change in the mitochondria of cells that became cancerous. Recent research suggests that these mitochondrial changes may be reversible after all. The mitochondria are the energy making factories in cells that efficiently metabolize glucose and fats. The end result of this metabolism is the production of energy molecules known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

Warburg reported that the fundamental difference between normal and cancerous cells was the ratio of glycolysis to respiration. By this he meant that cancer cells burn blood sugar (glucose) inefficiently in their cytoplasm and produce many fewer ATP energy molecules via this pathway ("glycolysis" or "fermentation of sugar") than do healthy cells, which metabolize (burn) glucose in the mitochondria via a mechanism known as oxidative phosphorylation (Warburg referred to this as "respiration").

He presented evidence proving anaerobiosis (the lack of sufficient oxygen in a tissue) to be a primary instigator of cancerous cell formation. Put in his own words, "the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar."

In recent years, Warburg's hypothesis re-gained significant attention amongst scientists catching headlines in such reputable media entities as The Economist (January 18, 2007). "Cramping Tumors", Newsweek (January 23, 2007). "Buzz for a Potential New Cancer Drug" and many others.

Warburg, who died in 1970, did not live to see his theory tested.

However, Professor Khachatrian, the scientist at the helm of the International Academy of Health in Russia, has theorized that under normal physiological conditions there exists a constant struggle between abnormal and normal cells, and that cancers develop when local conditions are too acidic, lack sufficient electrons to neutralize free radicals and are too low in oxygen. Professor Khachatrian extensively travels around the world and he conducts lectures and seminars to doctors and health professionals where he explains to them the startling benefits of his revolutionary research and treatment. In turn, those medical professionals carry this priceless information to their patients and to those who wish to protect, improve and secure their health.

The role of intestinal microflora and the "K-Effect".

During his research, Professor Khachatrian had observed that the free radicals and toxins that promote cancers and other diseases, often derive from the bacteria and other organisms that reside in the large intestine. Microflora also includes beneficial bacteria that plays an important role in the stimulation and maintenance of the immune system. Beneficial bacteria can inhibit harmful organisms, produce vitamins and other nutrients, like short chain fatty acids and anti-tumor substances.

Professor Khachatrian notes that many life influences, like antibiotic therapy, stress, toxins, electro-magnetic radiation from electronic devices, harmful chemicals in the environment and a poor diet, can negatively impact the growth of these beneficial bacteria. This allows for the overgrowth of harmful bacteria which produce noxious substances that are toxic to the organism as a whole and which impair immune function. This overgrowth is termed "dysbiosis or disbacteriosis of the large intestine." He suggests that 90% of people worldwide may manifest this dysbiotic condition which predisposes them to a variety of illnesses and malignancies.

He notes that radiation and chemotherapy, which seem to provide certain beneficial results primarily in the early stages of cancer, harm normal cells as well as the cancerous ones, and do not, therefore, represent an ideal treatment approach to cancer, as they generally impair the immune system, decrease oxygenation to tissues by several mechanisms, damage the normal, beneficial microflora in the gut, and impair the quality of life of individuals exposed to these toxic substances.

Prof. Khachatrian believes that is imperative to enhance the natural immune mechanisms by which the body rids itself of cancers and neutralizes other disease states. In this regard he has developed a patented system for the treatment of cancer (and other conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, liver diseases and chronic infections), which helps to restore the body's impaired physiology by:

1. Eliminating internal sources of intoxication.
2. Neutralizing free-radicals.
3. Restoring normal immune function.
4. Optimizing the oxidation/reduction potential (electrical charge) of the cells
5. Normalizing the pH of the tissues.
6. Maintaining such beneficial strides with a unique, proprietary formula that continually defends the immunity and supports and improves human body's regenerative capacities.

By doing so, Prof. Khachatrian enables the body to rid itself of diseases like cancers, and optimize health in many other ways - thus achieving the optimal goal of "The Khachatrian Effect".

The Khachatrian protocol involves the following procedures:

1. First establishing the diagnosis of the disease and investigating the status of the microflora in the intestine, urogenital tract and oral cavity. A special treatment regimen is developed for each patient, depending on this diagnosis and investigation.

2. Using enemas (a method of washing out the colon) to rid the body of potentially harmful organisms. This is done with a proprietary solution of a specific pH over a period of 2-3 weeks on a daily basis.

3. Infusing the colon (large intestine) with specific probiotic (beneficial) bacteria at specific sites in the intestinal tract by use of a thin flexible catheter.

4. Specially processed proprietary intravenous solutions are electrically charged, and infused into the body to restore the proper electrical potential to the body' cells. Electro-activated aqueous solutions carrying a negative potential may be given orally, intravenously and in the enema bags. Similar solutions with a positive potential may be given intranasally and in the oral cavity by rinse or nebulization, and may also be placed in the vaginal tract for women.

5. "Oxygen Cocktail" tasty oral solution that promotes rapid delivery of pure oxygen to cells.

6. Proprietary maintenance protocols are continued to support the achieved success.

Case histories and video links:

The following procedures were carried out: administration of anolyte and catholyte; intestinal irrigation with anolyte and catholyte; inhalation with anolyte and catholyte; outdoor treatment with anolyte and catholyte; infusion therapy with non-contact activated solution of salt; omniflora implantation in the colon; oxygen cocktail mixed with catholyte; baths with anolyte and catholyte; wraps with anolyte and catholyte.

In total, over a period of 21 days 34 patients were treated at 2 locations - Los Angeles and San Diego. Clinical research and trials, conducted by such renowned figures in the field as the Chief Investigators Dr. Alan Schwartz, clinical pharmacologist, Dr. Vincent Gammill, ScD, Director of the Center for the Study of Natural Oncology and Dr. Filiberto Munoz, MD of the San Diego Clinic have demonstrated the following results:

25 patients with different stages of cancer (stages III and IV) and with different localization (breast cancer - 6, lung - 3, esophagus - 1, liver - 1, colon - 5, prostate - 5, skin - 1, kidney - 1, ovaries - 1, liposarcoma - 1).

9 patients with other conditions: hepatitis "B" - 1; non-specific ulcerative colitis - 1; after stroke condition - 1; chronic fatigue syndrome - 2; diagnosed with unidentified disease - 1; irritable bowel syndrome - 3.

The first group had 89% improvement and the second group had 94% rehabilitation and recovery.
The following are some of the examples:

1. Patient J., 80 years old (Fig. 1). Diagnosis: breast cancer IV st. with metastases in the stomach. Related diseases: lung emphysema, bronchial asthma. Had been sick for 4 years and refused to have surgery. Chemo- and radiotherapy had not been performed due to patient's objections.
Upon examination of the patient in a grave condition, she complained of black stool for a month, excessive fatigue, anorexia, troubled sleep and a large tumor in the right mammary region.
She was treated in accordance with the Khachatrian protocol. On the 3rd day of treatment, the black stool assumed normal color, the patient developed good appetite and normal sleep. On the 7th day the tumor began to shrink in size, color has changed from deep red to normal (Fig. 1). During the treatment the patient experienced hyperthermia up to 39-40oC for 5 days, while there were tolerable pains in the area of the tumor. The color of the urine had changed to dark brown. On the 20th day during the regular dressing it was observed that two tumor-like masses emerged out of the wound, both the size of walnuts. Wound epithelization was observed shortly after that. Histological samples were taken and revealed low-grade differentiated adenocarcinoma.

Fig. 1.

This patient also suffered from severe bronchial asthma attacks and weakness, but after the treatment that condition was also improved and there was noticeable increase in energy. Post treatment onco-markers test had shown a decline from 75 units to 15 units.

2. Patient B., 56 years old. Diagnosis: skin cancer III st. for 2 years with metastases in the liver (Fig. 2). Refused any surgery as well as chemo- and radiotherapy. The patient's therapeutic Khachatrian protocol was carried out within 24 days. Local tumor treated with anolyte solution of a specific ORP and pH values and other integral elements. By the end of treatment tumor had decreased by 4 times, islets of epithelization appeared. Elastogram on liver metastases revealed restructuring towards benign process.

Fig. 2.

3. Patient E., 60 years old. The diagnosis: breast cancer III st. (Fig. 3). Previously was treated with surgical lobectomy and two courses of chemotherapy. Had been sick for 4 years. There was a firm immobile infiltration in the area surrounding the right breast. Complained of poor appetite, fatigue, poor sleep. After almost 3 weeks of treatment infiltration virtually disappeared. On the 3rd day the patient's appetite had improved, she felt energetic and slept normally. Onco-markers test was performed a month after treatment and had shown a decline from 67 units to 3.2 units.

Fig. 3.

4. Patient K., 76 years. The diagnosis: cancer of the esophagus IV st., metastases in the liver and lungs. Went through surgery and 5 chemotherapy treatments. Wheelchair-bound because of excessive weakness. After the surgery the patient lost 25 kg. After 10 days of treatment the patient drove to the clinic on his own and have had gained over 9 kg by the end of treatment.

5. Patient M., 72 years old. Diagnosis: prostate cancer III st. with metastases in the liver. Related disease - hypertension. Had been sick for 4 years and did not have any surgery. For 4 years he took medication for hypertension and cancer (15 tablets daily). All medications were withheld before the start of the treatment.
On the 3<sub>rd</sub> day of treatment good appetite was noted, increase in energy and good sleep. Blood pressure after just 5 days until the end of treatment remained - 145/70 (prior to the beginning of treatment it was 180/95 without medications. After receiving medication - 170/85). By the end of treatment he had to go to the bathroom just once a night, prior to the Khachatrian protocol - 4-5 times per night. After a month of the Khachatrian protocol his PSA level had stabilized at 2.5. Prior to the treatment his PSA was 8 and above. Intrarectal study: before treatment a significant increase was indicated in the proportion of the left lobe of prostate, after treatment it assumed normal size.

6. Patient M., 60 years old. Diagnosis: ovarian cancer IV st., with metastases in the spleen, liver, mesentery. Patient was examined by the elastogram on internal organs before treatment and two weeks after the start of treatment.
Result: tumor of the left hepatic lobe before - 43.3 x 30.8 mm. After - 42.7 x 28.8 mm.
The lower part of the left hepatic lobe - 34.3 x 10.2 mm. After - 27.0 x 8.5 mm
The right hepatic lobe - 66.3 x 39.3 mm. After - 36.1 x 15.3 mm.
The tumor in the spleen region before - 104.5 x 80.9 mm. After - 104.6 x 70.8 mm.
The tumor between the stomach and spleen before -124.6 x 100.9 mm. After - 103.6 x 102.5 mm.
The tumor in the mesentery region before - 37 x 26.6 mm. and 41.5 x 51.5 mm. After 2 weeks of treatment tumors there could not be identified.

7. Patient R., 56 years old. Diagnosis - not defined. Complained of continuous fever (up to 39<sub>o</sub>C), excessive fatigue, lack of appetite, high blood pressure (up to 170/90), high sugar, allergies. Had been sick for the past 15 years. Patient visited various medical institutions in the US, but could not have a definite diagnosis. 6 years ago the ascites had started. Upon examination at the clinic cirrhosis or cancer was not discovered. 4 years ago surgery - portacaval shunt - was performed, the ascites was arrested, but other complaints (fever, weakness, etc.) remained unchanged.
On the 4<sub>th</sub> day of the Khachatrian protocol the following improvements were observed: significant improvement in appetite, temperature - 36.6<sub>o</sub>C - which remained the same until the end of treatment. Fatigue had passed, there was an increase in energy. On the 6<sub>th</sub> day the patient was able to drive. He was able to work again. Pressure and blood sugar normalized on the 8<sub>th</sub> day of treatment. Allergy held for 14 days of treatment.

8. Patient Ya., 87 years old. Diagnosis: condition after repeated ischemic stroke. The patient could not recognize relatives, eat or walk without assistance. 5 droppers of non-contact activated liquid (NAL) were administered on a daily basis. By the third procedure the patient's condition improved dramatically. The patient began to speak coherently and answer the questions. He was able to eat unassisted in a restaurant and began to walk with support.
Thus, complex therapy of patients with various applications of the Khachatrian Protocol (including CAL and NAL) demonstrated high efficacy, permitting in a short treatment time not only to improve the patients' condition or bring them into deep remission, but in many cases to make the patients recover completely.

Dr Alan female patient about medical treatmentmedical treatment procedure

Dr. Alan Schwartz, about
Khachatryan`s therapy (Keffect)
and treatment protocol
at the Centre of National
Oncology (USA California,
New Santiago).

Interview with female
patient J.(example N1) after
3 weeks of Khachatryan`s
medical treatment.

Dr. Alan Schwartz, about
medical treatment methods
with ionized water at his

(Download video)

(Download video)

(Download video)

"... Professor Khachatrian has a long and a distinguished career in the field of medicine and scientific research.He is an internationally renowned medical research scientist and a medical doctor, member of the Russian Academy of Medical & Engineering Science, European Academy of Natural Sciences and the New York Academy of Sciences, who conduct many years of medical research in various countries, including France, Russia, Holland, Bulgaria, Monte Carlo and the United States. He successfully shared the benefits of his discoveries with over 14,000 patients around the world, ranging from terminally ill cancer patients to the top of the international business elite and the European royalty.During many years of his scientific research, working with such renowned institutions as the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, the Institutes of Chemistry and Anti-Oxidants, the Scientific Research Center "IKAR", All-Russian Oncological Center and the famed Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Medicine, Professor Khachatrian came to the realization that since cancer is a very complex disease due to its varieties and mechanism, no simple, "cure-all" solution would work..." Centre of National Oncology (USA California, New Santiago)

  1. sb17-4e.htm - Adaptive treatment method (artificial biofield source in medicine);
  2. sb45-3e.htm - Water - a source of biological and electrical energy;
  3. sb38-4e.htm - Non-contact activated infusion solutions as applied to prophylaxis of postoperative pancreatitis of oncopatients;
  4. sb43-3e.htm - The Treating of Patients in U.S.A. using Anolyte, Catholyte and Non-Contact Activated Liquid (NAL);
  5. sb46-1e.htm - Open seminar professor Ashot Khachatryan in Singapore;
  6. pr-1.htm - Non-contact activation of liquids (infusion solutions and drugs, drinks, tea, coffee, drinking water, including tubs, swimming pools, an intensification of biotechnology, the extension of the deadline life);
  7. sb43-1e.htm - High quality water production: analysis and perspective;
  8. Hi-tech from Russia - Download video: water_rtv_090406 - Excerpts from the TV program "The great secret of water" (, 09/04/2006); tv_080210_ru.mp4 Udmurtiya pure water; levit_ikar.mp4 - Levitation - is simply;
    cluster_ikar.mp4 - Solitary vortices - clusters of activated water; ikar_activ.mp4 - Activation of water; - Presentation Icare "on the International forum on nanotechnology, Moscow, 3.12.2008-5.12.2008;
  9. i-si-04_uni.htm - Universal Device for contact and non-contact activation of liquids (won prestigious international awards - gold, Switzerland).