SRC "IKAR" - 34 years with you

"IIS-RT" - 2006. Collection № 38-5

Activated water anomalous properties

Shironosov V. G.
ZAO Scientific Research Center "IKAR",
The 7-th International Congress "Water: Ecology and Technology", EVATEK- 2006
The collection of abstracts, p.1051-1052

Activated low-mineralized and distilled water (water put in a non-equilibrium thermodinamical state by some physical way) is used in different spheres and technologies thanks to its unique qualities and an easy way of production.

A significant number of activated water anomalies were revealed, such as biochemical reactions acceleration, homeopathy, elements transmutation, "cold" thermonuclear fusion, non-contact liquids activation, water ability to keep information, biologically active admixtures, unknown biofields, vortex heat and energy generators (100% efficiency), new torsion information transmitters, unique sterilizing, disinfectant, detergent and antioxidant properties, resonant microcluster structures (coming back to a normal state in several days), etc.

The attempts to explain these anomalies resulted in new revolutionary theories, and the old ones were forgotten.

Curiously enough, the anomalous water properties, just as levitation, can be explained by the phenomenon of resonance (Shironosov V.G., "Resonance in physics, chemistry and biology", Izhevsk, Udmurt State University, 2001-2002, p.92, sb22e.htm) and the data of the researches on more complex nonlinear electrodynamical systems in a resonant state. These systems consist of autonomous systems of interrelated oscillators-resonators (of electrical or magnetic dipoles).

4 January 2006 was the 115 anniversary of the publishing of the molecular forces research plan, written by Lebedev P.N. The plan was focused on waves' mechanical action on resonators. According to Lebedev, "we should assume the existence of ponderomotive forces between two emitting molecules, just as between two vibrators with excites oscillations". The possibility of stable resonant microclusters existence was proved in further theoretical studies carried out in USSR (Kozorez V.V. studied extended dipoles in a non-resonant state during 1974-1981; Shironisov V.G. studied point dipoles in a resonant state-1984). Later the non-contact liquids activation effect was experimentally proved by electrolysis carried out with diaphragm (Bakhir V.M., 1992) and without one (Shironisov V.G., Shironisov E.V., 1999).

The physical side of the processes is complicated, but can be explained in general terms. During activation dipole water molecules and ions generate vortexes of dipole ensembles of so called molecular "tuning forks". These ensembles synchronously oscillate in antiphase. From the point of view of statistics such systems of dipoles are unstable (the collapse effect), but in terms of dynamics the effect of unstable states dynamic stabilization is observed in conditions of resonance. A variable electromagnetic field formed from two synchronously oscillating dipoles has a narrow frequency spectrum ~10 –(13-23) (supercoherent emission, resonance effect) and becomes narrower ~1/rn (n>3). Effective temperature of non-contact activated liquid microclusters reaches millions of degrees, and they can exist during dozens and hundreds of seconds and years depending on microclusters resonant mode (liquid is kept at room temperature).

Understanding of these processes allowed creating new installations – "Izumrud-SI" and "Zdrava"- for activation of water with resonant microclusters structure by forces of "IKAR" and OAO "Dalpribor".