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"IIS-RT"-1999. Collection №9.

Some questions of the application of electromagnetic radiation of low power of the highest frequencies (millimeter waves) in medicine. SHF-therapy, v.3.

Holant M.B., Deviatkov N.D. and oth.
( in Russian)

1. Mechanisms of biological effects of interaction of mm waves with alive organisms. - O.V. Betski.

2. Change of the biochemical tests at EHF-THERAPY of the patients by a myocardial infarction. - V.I. Rubin, G.Ya. Melnikova.

3. Application of millimeter waves in traumatology and orthopedics. - Y.F. Kamenev, A.G. Sarkisyan etc.

4. Treatment of the finitenesses damages, complicated by a purulent infection, with using of millimeter waves. - Y.F. Kamenev, A.G.Sarkisyan etc.

5. Using EMR of mm gamut in treatment of purulent - inflammatory diseases. - V.I. Nikolski.

6. Electromagnetic radiation EHF at diseases of support -motive system. - I.E.Detlav, I.Ya.Naudinya, A.V.Tarauska.

7. EHF radiation in a clinical oncology. - S.D. Pletnov, N.D. Devyatkov, M.B. Holant, T.B. Rebrova, L.Z. Balakireva.

8. Some mechanisms of clinical effects of EHF therapy and perspective of its application in an oncology. - R.K. Kabisov, V.I. Rikov.

9. Opportunity of EHF-THERAPY in complex treatment of good-quality and malignant tumours of uterus. - V.N. Zaporojan, M.B. Holant, O.V. Hait etc.

10. Using EMR EHF at a cardiovascular pathology. - T.V. Golovachova.

11. Influence of electromagnetic radiation of millimeter-wave to adaptive responses of organism at the patients with a pathology of cardiovascular system. - T.V. Golovachova, T.N. Afanaseva, N.D. Grekova etc.

12. Influence of different modes of EHF-THERAPY to a status of hemostasis system at the patients by a sharp myocardial infarction. - V.F. Kirichuk, T.V. Golovachova etc.

13. Feature of action of different modes of EHF-THERAPY on exponents of hemostasis system at the patients by a stenocardia. - V.F. Kirichuk, S.S. Parshina.

14. Influence of different lengths of waves on clinic- hemodynamics exponents at a stenocardia. - T.I. Kaplanova, N.D.Grekova.

15. Comparative evaluation of action of continuous and intermittent procedures of EHF-THERAPY on physical serviceability and hemodynamics exponents of the patients by a stenocardia. - N.D. Grekova.

16. Application multizone of EHF-THERAPY in treatment of patients with ischemic illness of heart, stenocardia of voltage. - A.A. Krotenko, etc.

17. Nervous-physiological research of mechanisms EHF - therapy of idiopathic hypertensia. Change of spectral characteristics of EEG at the patients by idiopathic hypertensia at EHF - therapy. - A.E. Stolbikov, A.V. Berus etc.

18. Multizone EHF-THERAPY of stomach polyps. - M.V. Teppone, M.D. Pilh etc.

19.Multizone EHF-THERAPY. - M.V. Teppone, A.N. Vetkin etc.

20. EHF-THERAPY in complex treatment of ischemic finitenesses diseases . - N.F. Druk, V.I. Pyasetski etc.

21. Influence of EHF-THERAPY in a combination with reception of сarbonic-hydrogen- sulfide baths on status of children with spastic shapes of children's cerebral paralysis. - L.M. Babina, S.N. Evseeva, V.A. Tsvetkov.

22. Influence of EHF-THERAPY on flow of chronic prostatitis. - O.B. Loran, Ya.L. Dunaevski etc.

23. Clinical practice of application EMR of low intensity in treatment of parodont tissues diseases. - S.I. Sokolovski, V.G. Pomoinitski, I.Ya.Maksudov.

24. Using EMR of mm gamut in treatment of depressive statuses. - V.I. Tsaritsinski, A.D. Taranskaya, V.N. Derkach.

25. Application of multizone EHF-THERAPY in treatment of patients with panic attacks. - A.A. Krotenko, E.P. Petrova, M.V. Teppone.

26. EHF-THERAPY of patients by hydrocortisone-dependent bronchial asthma. - G.S. Makarov, S.I. Sokurenko, G.N. Matveev.

27. Experience of treatment of nephritises by method of EHF-THERAPY. - V.A. Nedzvetski, A.A. Podvisotski, I.V. Markova.

28. Large joints as optimum reflexogenic bands for medical action of EHF-therapy. - I.V.Rodshtat.

29. About some opportunities of EHF-RADIATION for treatment of neurologic patients. - M.A. Ronkin, O.V. Betski, I.M. Maksimenko, N.A. Sokolina, E.B. Homak, I.M. Tsoi, Y.G. Yaremenko.

30. Complex using of enterogel and EHF - therapy at treatment chronic hepatitises and cholecystis-pankreatitises. - B.A. Pogrebnoi, L.G. Pogrebnaya, G.M. Bodaretski, V.V. Zboromirski, V.V. Zagorodni.

31. Research of opportunities of EHF-THERAPY using in conditions of day time hospital of polyclinic. - B.A. Pogrebnoi; V.V. Zboromirski.

32. Experience of using EHF- puncture in a resort therapy of polysectional osteochondrosis. - S.N. Evseeva, M.P. Ivanovsraya, S.M. Ilyaeva.

33. Expedient of prediction of efficiency reflex action EMR EHF. - N.D. Gorohovski, I.V. Zvershhovski, O.P. Mintser, M.I. Poigina.

34. Response of central nervous system to peripheral action low-intensive EHF-RADIATION. - N.N. Lebedeva.

35. Antistressful activity of millimeter waves. - N.A. Temuryanc, E.N. Chuyan.