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"IIS-RT"-2007. Collection №40-2

Non-contact action of activated water solutions on haemolysis of erythrocytes

Kazankin D. S., Mutagarova A.I., Shironosov V. G., Solovjov A.A.
Scientific Research Center "Resonant Technologies" Udmurt State University,
Scientific Research Center "IKAR",,
Medical Academy, Izhevsk, Russia

Collection of abstracts of VNKSF-13, Rostov-on-Don, 20 - 26 April 2007.- p. 465-466


A considerable data amount concerning water solution modifications under electromagnetic fields and radiation, and under superweak dissolved substance concentrations has been collected by the present time. The modification is expressed through the physical parameters variation (conduction, dielectric constant, redox potential, surface tension, etc.) and chemical activity change (the change of chemical reaction speed and even of its direction, significant deviation from Arrenious law) of water solutions. That proves to be possible under condition that the system components remain in electron-excited states and interact with each other due to the continuous circulation of energy on their common electronic levels.

One of the most effective ways of water solutions conversion into the thermodynamically (TD) nonequilibrium state is non-contact activation which has a recurrence at the level of physical experiment. In general terms, the experiment on non-contact activation consists in isolating the source of activation from the contact with molecular structure of the water solution that will be activated, with conserving the physical contact of two mediums through chemically impenetrable walls made of polymer dielectric materials.

Tap water was used as an activating medium in the process of electrolysis without a diaphragm (I=400 mV, U=24 V, t=2 h) with inert electrodes. Due to a low level of mineralization a part of energy is spent on the break of water molecules with the formation of free radical particles (ОН·, Н·, O2- etc.) Consumed energy is released with their recombination. The energy dissipates in the water medium radiationally (less often) and radiationlessly (more often) raising free energy level of the whole system. Life time of particles can be increased with the formation of two and more oscillating dipoles - resonant microclusters [1]. It allows water to retain the activating ability even after the electrolysis termination.

Standard polypropylene test tubes (wall thickness - 0,9 mm) with hemolytic solution (the acetate buffer with рН 3,5 on physical solution) and test tubes with erythrocyte suspension were plunged into the electrolyzer aqueous medium for 3 h 40 min. Other conditions being equal control tubes were plunged into untreated water. A decrease in redox potential of hemolytic solution occurs at fixed рН in the experiment. After the exposition acid haemolysis was carried out according to method [2], mixing erythrocytes in hemolytic solution and continuously registering the degree of erythrocyte haemolysis according to optical determination (l=500 nm) on the spectrophotometer "Specord-M40".

A differential mode of percentage haemolysis of erythrocytes(fig. 1):

fig.1. Comparative erythrogram. (~30 000 cells in 1 mm3 of hemolytic).
Full lines – a haemolysis in case of non-contact action on erythrocytes and hemolytic;
Dashed lines – a haemolysis without action (control)

The central process of acid haemolysis is hemoglobin splitting with formation of powerful prooxidant - hema. Lipid peroxidation (LP) of membranes develops under the influence of hema.

Thus, the research of acid haemolysis allows to define the contribution of non-contact hemolytic solution modification to the development of the LP of erythrocyte membranes. Redistribution of erythrocytes according to their resistance without changing the time of haemolysis indicates that the reason is the change in the metabolism in erythrocytes under action of non-contact action. Indeed, as it has been shown by level gauging of restored glutathione (G-SH) - the main antioxidant - as a result of non-contact action on erythrocytes suspension G-SH decreases from 656,6±16,8 to 624,8±13,1 µmol/L within 1 hour exposition of the test tube containing suspension in the electrolyzer water medium. It is approximately equal to the decrease in G-SH as a result of natural causes if kept for a week at T = + 2 oC.

However with only hemolytic activation the haemolysis pattern of non-pretreated erythrocytes does not change in essence, i.e. the water solution appears to be an effect carrier.

In vivo interrelation between the decrease in redox potential and the increase in LP is observed for instance in case of hypoxia when the concentration of molecular oxygen in tissues decreases and the reduction level of the respiratory chain components increases, therefore oxygen reduction on the LP and one-electronic way is stimulated.

Thus, the discovered effect could find a practical application in the field of non-medicamental correction of disturbances of antioxidant protection of the organism (ischemia, degenerative Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s diseases, etc.), as well as a diagnostic technique of similar diseases and abnormalities.


List of Publications:

[1] Shironosov V.G., The Resonance in The Physics, Chemistry and Biology. – Izhevsk, Udmurt University, p. 92 (2001) sb22e.htm.

[2] Gitelzon I.I., Terskov I.A. Eritrograms as a Method of Clinical Study of Blood. - Krasnoyarsk: Siberian department of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1959, p.247.