SRC "IKAR" - 34 years with you

"MIS-RT" - 2011. Collection №49-1.

Clue to the phenomenon of fluid activation
from magnesium and microhydrin

Shironosov Valentin Georgievich

    The most important parameter of drinking water, from the point of view of modern medicine, is its "charge" - oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), which should be negative, because human cells have a negative ORP (-70 mV). Diseases occur when the negative potential of cells (ORP) falls below normal.

    There are numerous methods for activating ("charging") water (preparing water with negative ORP with a slight change in its pH). The simplest is the method of introducing reducing agents into water ([1], [2]). Most famous in the past was sodium sulfite, which was added to photodevelopers to remove oxygen to prevent oxidation of metol and hydroquinone. The addition of sodium sulfite to distilled water in an amount of 80 g/l gives an ORP value of about -220 mV [1]. However, according to the author [1], the use of sodium sulfite to activate drinking water is hardly suitable. Experiments are also known [2] with standard developer for black and white photography. A standard developer for black and white photography is prepared on the basis of two parts, which are dissolved sequentially one after the other. The first solution, consisting of sodium sulfite and soda, had an ORP - 71 mV, the second solution (metol, hydroquinone, potassium bromide) + 115 mV, the ORP of the original distilled water + 300 mV. After mixing the ORP solutions it became -400 mV. A sealed plastic bag with distilled water (ORP + 300 mV) was placed in this solution. After 2 hours of exposure, the ORP of water became + 200 mV, and after 20 hours + 75 mV. Removing the package from the developer solution resulted in the relaxation of distilled water to its original state. In this case, no change in the conductivity of the BAF was observed during the experiment [2].

    Other reducing agents used in industry are sodium borohydride, butyl potassium xanthate, hydrazine hydrate, etc. Sodium borohydride seems to be the most suitable for drinking water (it brings the ORP value to - 550 mV), although the degree of its effect on health not found in the literature [1].

    The most promising and safe reducing agent is metallic magnesium [1]. ДThe addition of magnesium powder or shavings to distilled water results in a decrease in the ORP to minus 500 mV. The magnesium powder was placed in a water-permeable bag(such as a tea bag), which was dipped in water. This idea found a slightly different constructive embodiment in Japan, where Hakashi at the "Institute for Water Research" began to make rods that include magnesium [3]. Such rods are now being sold in Russia. The only "drawback", perhaps, is the appearance of magnesium hydroxide in the water (although magnesium, in principle, is not harmful to the body). To eliminate this deficiency in RC "IKAR" we carried out a number of experiments with samples of metallic magnesium. Magnesium samples (rods, shavings, granules of various sizes) were placed in aqueous solutions in waterproof dielectric sachets. Then the sachets were placed in containers with aqueous solutions (or, on the contrary, sachets with aqueous solutions were placed in containers filled with water and magnesium). At the same time, significant changes in ORP towards negative values were observed both in sachets and in containers without direct contact of the test solutions. The change in ORP significantly depended on the size of the granules, temperature, and a number of other factors. Therefore, it is impossible not to note the widespread powder in capsules "Microhydrin", produced by the company "Coral Club" (USA). American scientists (Patrick Flanagan, 1986) have developed "capsules of longevity" - "Microhydrin" [4], allowing to prepare water with a microcluster structure, with a negative ORP. One capsule of "Microhydrin" for a glass of water, milk or Coca-Cola, changes its ORP from +300 mV to - 300 mV, which is much higher than that of freshly made carrot juice ( - 70 mV). Economically, this method of obtaining water with negative ORP is quite expensive, ~ $1 per capsule. Analysis of its composition was not carried out - but by indirect indications, the powder contains a reducing agent [2]. Since the company keeps a secret and does not give the composition of the powder, and it completely enters the body, there is no confidence in the safety of its use [2]. Therefore, to clarify the nature of the activation of liquids by "Microhydrin" we carried out experiments. Sealed thin-walled plastic bags (film thickness ~ 2.5 μm) with distilled water (50 ml) were placed in a larger vessel (500 ml), also filled with distilled water. The microhydrin powder was then added to the larger vessel and mixed. The ORP of the solution with microhydrin rapidly changed in the negative direction. In this case, there is a non-contact activation of distilled water up to -500 mV. The results of the experiments are presented in Pic. 1 ([2]).

    For the first time, the phenomenon of obtaining structured water with negative ORP, without changing its chemical composition (the phenomenon of contactless activation of liquids - BAF) during unipolar treatment, was predicted in 1982 by I.L. Gerlovin, based on the physical theory of the fundamental field developed by him [5]. The effect was discovered and investigated experimentally by V.M. Bakhir in 1992 [6]. In experiments [6, 7], hermetically sealed thin-walled closed containers made of dielectric (ampoules or capsules), or a PVC tube with saline solution, were placed in the working chambers (anode or cathodic) of the electrochemical diaphragm activator. As a rule, ampoules were activated for 30 minutes. The activation was carried out with the current turned on, or with the current turned off immediately before immersing the containers with saline in the ECA medium. After exposure, sealed ampoules with saline in anolyte or catholyte, the pH and ORP values of the physiological solution changed significantly. This can be considered as a manifestation of non-contact ECA. The effect is qualitatively the same when the electrolyzer is in operation and when it is turned off. Anolyte and catholyte act on saline through glass, polyester and fluoroplastic. At the same time, for glass and lavsan, the direction of changes in pH and ORP corresponds to the sign of electrochemical treatment (anodic or cathodic), and for fluoroplastic, the inversion of the sign of electrochemical treatment is characteristic. After 2 hours, the pH and ORP values, changed as a result of contactless ECA, undergo relaxation. This indicates the absence of penetration of stable electrolysis products into the closed ampoules. Consequently, contactless ECA is carried out at the energy level, without the accompanying transport (mass exchange) of ions through the wall of the ampoules [7].

        The above experimental data of BAF (during electrolysis, from microhydrin, during chemical reactions and in a solution of drugs) are quite simply explained within the framework of ordinary classical physics [2, 8-12] without involving both the theory of vacuum and torsion fields [5-7]. The only difficulty and "unusualness" is in solving equations for nonlinear dynamical systems in the resonance domain. When water is activated, in one way or another, the system transitions to a nonequilibrium thermodynamic state with higher energy. In this case, stable nonlinear resonance systems arise from oscillating "dipoles" (two or more) - water, ОН- [2, 8-12]. In statics, such systems of dipoles are unstable (the collapse effect), but in dynamics at resonance, the effect of dynamic stabilization of unstable states manifests itself. The systems obtained during activation of high-Q "molecular resonators" with a Q-factor of ~ 10^13 and more are responsible for the "unusual" properties of contactless and contact-activated liquids. The BAJs, which have a microcluster resonant structure, as follows from observations, are supersensitive sensors of radiation, including from the Sun, especially during periods of increased activity [12].

    The above suggests that the main mechanism of the biological action of activated liquids is the appearance of high-energy vortex structures in liquids [11] due to the transfer of liquids to a nonequilibrium thermodynamic state (NTS) with the excitation of Resonant Microcluster structures (RM - solitary vortices, analogous type "ball-light" ball-light) and supercoherent electromagnetic radiation (SR) (see. more). The transfer of liquids to a thermodynamically nonequilibrium state can be carried out by means of substances, physical influences (fields, currents ...), including on the basis of chemical and biochemical reactions.

    List of references:

  1. Influence of oxygen and hydrogen on the properties of water.
  2. Dubrovskaya O.A., Mulakhmetov R.F., Shironosov V.G. The phenomenon of contactless activation from microhydrin and chemical reactions. Collection of abstracts VNKSF-8, Yekaterinburg, 2002.- p. 597-599.
  3. Magnesium rod.
  4. Flanagan P., Flanagan G.C. Elixer of the Ageless, Liquid Crystal Water, Electro-Colloidal Mineral Concentrate, 2nd ed. Flagstaff, AZ. Vortex Press; 1986.
  5. Gerlovin I.L. Foundations of a unified theory of all interactions in substance. -L.; Energoatomizdat. 1990. 432 p.
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  8. Shironosov V.G., Shironosov E.V. Experiments on contactless electrochemical activation of water, p. 66 - 68, 2nd International Symposium ""Electrochemical Activation in Medicine, Agriculture, Industry", abstracts. report - M.; VNIIIMT JSC NPO "EKRAN". 1999. - p. 67.; Water, radiation, life. Col. of abstracts. report 7th International Symposium. Information technology and medical support for the protection of the population and the environment in emergency situations. Cyprus - Protaras, 29.04-6.05 2000. -M.; 2000, p. 42.
  9. Shironosov V.G. Physical foundations of resonant activation of water, 1st International Symposium "Electrochemical activation in medicine, agriculture, industry", col. of articles - M; VNIIMT JSC NPO "EKRAN". 1997. - p. 220.
  10. Shironosov V.G. Resonance in physics, chemistry and biology. Izhevsk. Publishing house "Udmurt State University", 2000/01, 92 p.
  11. Shironosov V.G., Minakov V.V., Shironosov O.V., Shironosova G.I., Ivanov V.B. High quality drinking water preparation: analysis and perspective. Ecology and industry of Russia, March 2008, p. 4-7.
  12. Lebedev P.N. Experimental study of the ponderomotive action of waves on resonators. Selected works ed. A.K. Timiryazev. M.-L .: Gostekhizdat, 1949. 244 p.