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"MIS-RT" - 2007. Collection № 41-2.


Lebedev, Pyotr Nikolaevich
          (1866 - 1912) 

Classics of natural science

sb41-2.pdf  p. 84 - 150

Lebedev P.N. Selected works (edited by Professor A.K. Timiryazev. Moscow-Leningrad: State Publishing House of TECHNICAL-THEORETICAL LITERATURE. - 1949, 244 p., With illustrations)

"...In the interpretation of light oscillations as electromagnetic processes, there is also another hidden problem, which has not yet been touched upon, about the processes , that take place in a molecular vibrator at the time when it gives off light energy to the surrounding space. From the point of view of the electromagnetic theory of light, between two emitting molecules, as between two vibrators, there are ponderomotive forces: they are caused by electrodynamic interactions of alternating electric currents in molecules (according to Ampere's laws) or alternating charges in them (according to Kulon's laws). There are molecular forces between the molecules, the cause of which is inextricably linked with the processes of radiation. These forces do not depend on the masses of molecules, they are associated with their individual (spectral) properties and, moreover, are highly dependent on temperature, that is, they have exactly the properties that we attribute to molecular forces in the phenomena of cohesion, dissolution or chemical reactions."

" ...Despite all the difference, which are by their physical nature, electromagnetic, hydrodynamic and acoustic vibrations, the laws of their ponderomotive action on the corresponding resonators are identical; this indicates to us the probability that the found elementary laws are universal for all possible (and not yet investigated by us) oscillations, and their justification must be sought in reasons that do not depend on the features of the operating oscillation and the resonator excited by it."
"...The main interest of studying the ponderomotive action of wave-like motion lies in the fundamental possibility of extending the found laws to the region of light and thermal emission of individual molecules of the body and predicting the resulting intermolecular forces and their magnitude.
...Until it is impossible to say in which direction further studies of these questions should go in order to reach a definitive answer in the shortest possible way: there are no data that allow us to say anything definite about the properties of resonator molecules. Some indications of where, it is possible to look for roads with the hope of success can only be given to us by a spectral-analytical study of radiation processes."

Translated by Shironosova O.E.
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