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"IIS-RT"-1999. Collection №15-12

Noncontact electrochemical water activation experiments

V.G. Shironosov, Е.V. Shironosov

Scientific Research Center "IKAR",,
Scientific Research Center "Resonant Technologies" Udmurt State University,

The II International Symposium "Electrochemical Activation (ECA) in medicine, agriculture economy, industry".
М.: October 28-29 1999, p.68.

Results of the water ECA experiments are given. Simple model, explains the noncontact activation, are suggested. Electrochemical activation, theoretical physics.

    The noncontact electrochemical water activation phenomenon (CAW) was theoreticaly predicted in 1992 on the base of substantial field physical theory by I.L. Gerlovin [1]. Noncontact ECA experimental results was published by V.М. Bahir in 1992 [2].
    Hermetically sealed thin-walled capacitys (ampoules or capsules), or a polyvinyl chloride tube (PVC, diameter - 3 mm, thickness of the wall - 1 mm) with physiological solution was placed to the work chambers of (anodic or cathodic) electrochemical diaphragmal activator. As a rule, activation of the ampoules was conducted for 30 minutes by switched on current or by current switched off immediately before placing of the capacitys with physiological solution to ECA mediums.
    After 30 minutes of noncontact activation results to the solutions in the ampoules was [3]:

physical sol.
AnolyteCatholyteD LA C:off
D LA C:on
D GA C:off
D GA C:on
D FA C:off
D FA C:on
D LC C:off
D LC C:on
D GC C:off
D GC C:on
D FC C:off
D FC C:on
ORP, мВ260±51135±15-845±5110±10

    where, D LA current:off = рН(ORP)la C:off-рН(ORP)initial ph. sol.; L,G,F - matherial of the ampoule (lavsan, glass, fluoroplastic); А - anolyte activation, C - catholyte activation, C:off(on) - activation by current swithed on(off) immediately before placing the capacitys with physiologicl solution to ECA mediums.
    In that way, after exposition of hermetical ampoules with the physiological solution in anolyte or in catholyte, the results рН and ORP of physiological solution was materially changed; it could be regarded as displaying of the noncontact ECA. The effect is the same when the electrolizer is switched on or when it is switched off. Anolyte and catholyte are influence on the physiological solution though the glass, lavsan and fluoroplastic. By that, the direction of the pH and ORP changes corresponds (for the glass and lavsan) to sign of electrochemical processing (anodic or cathodic) and inverts for the fluoroplastic. In 2 hours after ECA, the pH and ORP results are relaxing; it is the evidence of electrolize stable products unpenetration into hermetically sealed thin-walled capacitys. Therefore, noncontact ECA passes on an energetic level without any attendant transport (mass exchange) of ions through the ampoules wall[3].
    We conducted complementary experiments for elucidation of the noncontact activation phemomenon nature.

Experiment 1: Hermetically sealed thin-walled polyethylene packets (thickness of the pellicle ~0.1 mm) with distilled water placed into a work cathodic chamber of the electrochemical activator "Espero-1". Activation was conducted with a diaphragm and without it for 30 minutes by switched on current. The results are in the table 1.

Table 1.
ParametersInitial distilled watermedium
cathod with diaphragm
cathod medium without diaphragmDpacket with diaphragmDpacket without diaphragm
ORP, мВ264±5-873±5-460±5-364±20-384±20

    where, D pac with diaph.=рН(ORP)pac. without diaph.-рН(ORP)init. dist. water

Experiment 2:Hermetically sealed thin-walled polyethylene packets (thickness of the pellicle ~0.1 mm) with distilled water placed into cylindrical food aluminium and plastic capacitys (dalum14=14 sm, dplast14=14 sm), filled with catholyte. Catholyte (рН=13.5, ORP = -950 мВ) was received on the "Emerald-Si" unit. Activation was conducted for 30 minutes in fresh-made solutions. The results are in the table 2.

Table 2.
ParametersInit. dist. waterD alum14D alum+polyeth14D alum+tefl14D alum14+plastD plast14D plast+foil14

    where, D х =рН(ORP)х-рН(ORP)init. dist. water, alum+polyeth14 -catholyte was filled into a thin polyethylene packet (~0.1mm), wich was close-adjoined to aluminium capacity walls, alum+tefl14 - aluminium capacity with a thin-walled teflon cover, alum14+plast - catholyte was filled into a plastic capacity (thickness of the wals ~2 mm) and placed into an aluminium capacity-alum14, plast+foil14 - the thin aluminium foil was close-adjoined to the plastic capacity walls.

Experiment 3: Dielectrical vessels with anolyte and catholyte( V = 100 ml.), were prepared on the "Emerald-Si" unit by Va=Vk =5 l/hour, placed into micro wave field (Р = 1 КВт, n=2.4 ГГц) for 1 minute, after that its parameters were measured. Measuring of the parameters and heating of the anolyte and catholyte was simultaneously conducted for 1-2 minutes in the water bath. The results are in the table 3.

Table 3.
ParametersInitial solutionsMicro wavesHeating
Т, degree С22±0.122±0.150±250±250±250±2


The experiments permit to draw some conclusions:

  1. The noncontact electrochemical water activation are to be observed by small thickness of dielectric partition (mm and less) and depands from a matherial of the partition; by that, CAW, in anodic and cathodic chambers, has a different sign of D ORP (table) for the same matherial partition;
  2. CAW takes place as for ECA water with diaphragm as for ECA water without it (table 1);
  3. DORP increases by activation in a metal capacity, or in a metal capacity with a thin nonconductive dielectrical cover (table 2)
  4. Nonthermal influence effect of microwave field to the catholyte (sharp decreasing of ORP table 3).

    Anomal properties 1-3 phenomenon of noncontact electrochemical activation can be simply explained by origin of highenergetics steady resonance systems from ascillating water difields, ОН- (two and more) near the anode and cathode [4-7]. In statics such systems from difields are not steady (collaps effect), in dynamics, by resonance, a dynamics stabilisation unsteady condition effect displays though [5-7]. Variable electromagnetic field from two synchronously-ascillating difields (SAD) [6] has a narrow frequency spectrum (resonance effect and decrease ~ 1/r6. Maximum of the spectrum, possibly, belong to microwave diapason, because, for ОН- typical frequencies of rotation transitions ~2 ГГц (length of a wave lо =18 sm). Therefore, contactlass activation can to be origin only from thin walls, close by SAD, and depend from spectral properties of matherial-partition. Amplification of CAW in metal cylindrical form capacitys can be explained by amplification of active microwave field by means of reflection from the conducting surfaces (microwave resonator effect). It should be expect amplification of CAW by the sizes ofcapacityes ~l о, l о/2.


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  2. Bahir V.М. Electrochemical activation. -М.; ARSRIMT, v.1, 1992. p. 197-204.
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  7. Shironosov V.G. Fireball's physical nature. In collection thesises of articles IV Russian university academical scientific practical conferention Izhevsk: publucation of Udmurt state university, 1999, v.7, p. 55-58. sb15-9e.htm